Nicht weit vom Rathaus entfernt macht das Mädchen aus der Bigfoot Familie einen Handstand im Jardin D’Ypres.
Damit habe ich nach Ladyfoot und Babyfoot die dritte Skulptur des Künstlers Idan Zareski in Le Touquet entdeckt.
Es fehlen also noch zwei, nämlich Le Siffleur und Herr Bigfoot persönlich.
Interessant ist, dass Idan Zareski (Angaben auf seiner Website) nie eine Kunstschule besucht hat und seine Ideen aus einem inneren „Zwang“ heraus entwickelt:
„Idan Zareski was born in Haifa, Israel and he is a French citizen. Life took him through multiple countries, bearing witness to multiple races and cultures which are now a fundamental element in his work. His efforts led him to understand that his salvation had always been, literally, at his fingertips.
Idan has never attended Art School or any sort of anatomy course. His gift came to him as a need, which he understood he could no longer resist. “I don’t plan or organize, I don’t draw sketches. My raw emotions serve as the only guide. Ninety percent of my creations are shaped in less than an hour. When I work, I feel in absolute communion with a force greater than myself”.
Idan shapes his creations out of clay, water and fire, to later set them in bronze. He is still amazed by the fact that emotions cannot only take shape, but be shared, without a word…in absolute silence.“
Als Nicht-Künstler fällt es mir schwer, zwischen Wahrheit/Aufrichtigkeit und Marketing zu unterscheiden.
Wie dem auch sei, scheinen die großen Füße ihren Erfnder zu ernähren:
„These days, Idan is completely committed to his art, working out of Costa Rica, a small piece of paradise. His wife and three girls have become his most fervent admirers.“
Ich gönne es Idan Zareski von ganzem Herzen.
„need“ = „Bedürfnis“ (nicht „Zwang“)
100 percent marketing (= Blödsinn)