Before I go to sleep: A Texan friend commenting – No wonder it is going to be a long cold winter for conservative Republicans.

Mein lieber Freund Tom aus Texas hat geschrieben. Ich kopiere seinen Kommentar einfach mal in diesen Artikel:

This would be a lot easier if I could speak or write in the German language. Ah, well, Americans are and isolated lot and we suffer for it. I have begun to speak my political mind in all areas of my public involvement, from friends and neighbors to associates in the public service area of the transit authority board I serve on. I have received several comments from my elected officials and transit board members about my comments. Since I live in one of the most conservative Republican areas of the country, I receive mostly comment from those who disagree with me about the policies. The following is my latest letter to the editor of the local newpaper:

I was raised by fiscally conservative, Goldwater Republicans. I have worked to promote the reasonable Republican ideals of smaller government and a responsible population. I am not a person who believes in ideology over facts. I am performance based and data driven. The Republican Party of my youth has disappeared and is now made up of ideologues that refuse to recognize anything other than their dogma. The combination of the neo and social conservatives has put to ruin the Republican Party. The likes of Tom Delay and Dick Cheney and their decisions to pursue an extreme agenda are the reason for the fall of a reasonable conservatism. After seeing Palin’s performance I would say that the most diplomatic thing I can say is it was…embarrassing. I imagine that McCain’s two heroes, TR and Goldwater are rolling over in their graves. I don’t believe her choice reflects well on McCain’s decision-making or temperament. I don’t believe anyone who would vote to put her one step from the Presidency with a 72-year-old malignant melanoma patient as President has the nation’s best interest at heart. I believe that quite the contrary such a position indicates they have confused dogma with patriotism. I am insulted and tired of being told that I am not patriotic because I don’t hew to current Republican or anyone else’s ideology. All Republicans appear to have left is fear and name-calling. No wonder it is going to be a long cold winter for conservative Republicans.

Willkommen Texas

I am very happy to announce that my old friend Tom from Texas hast registered. I am sure, that Tom will have a lot to say about his country. We are looking forward to exciting news, comments and observations from and about Texas and the US.

Ich bin sehr erfreut, dass sich mein alter Freund Tom aus Texas auf unserer Website registriert hat. Ich bin sicher, dass er uns spannende Nachrichten, Kommentare und Beobachtungen aus seinem Land bloggen wird, sobald er die technischen Hürden dieser Website gemeistert hat. Tom wird selbstverständlich in der „lingua franca“ unserer Zeit, nämlich Englisch, schreiben.

Texas vor 146 Jahren

Texas ist nicht nur George Bush. Im 19. Jahrhundert ließen sich deutsche Freidenker in Texas im Hill Country nieder und gründeten unter anderem den Ort „Comfort“. Nach dem sich Texas 1861 den konföderierten Staaten angeschlossen hatte, weigerten sich die meisten der Freidenker, den Treueid auf die Südstaaten zu schwören oder gar für diese zu kämpfen. Für 19 junge Männer bedeutet dies am 10. August 1862 den Tod.