Da es zu Hause kalt, trüb und nebelig wird, das Fernsehprogramm gar nichts hergibt und das Englisch Wörterbuch schon lange im Regal – wo da eigentlich? – verstaubt, erlaube ich mir auf einen Beitrag von Paul Krugman in der New York Times hinzuweisen. Krugman – das ist der, welcher den Nobelpreis erhalten hat.
„The Dow is surging! No, it’s plunging! No, it’s surging! No, it’s …
Nevermind. While the manic-depressive stock market is dominating the headlines, the more important story is the grim news coming in about the real economy. It’s now clear that rescuing the banks is just the beginning: the nonfinancial economy is also in desperate need of help.
And to provide that help, we’re going to have to put some prejudices aside. It’s politically fashionable to rant against government spending and demand fiscal responsibility. But right now, increased government spending is just what the doctor ordered, and concerns about the budget deficit should be put on hold.
Before I get there, let’s talk about the economic situation…“