Chris hat mir gestern die Lösung des Rätsels vom 16. April geschickt:
Der gesuchte Herr heißt Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Vorstandsvorsitzender des Lebensmittelkonzerns Nestle und Mitglied im Aufsichtsrat von Credit Suisse Group, L’Oreal und ExxonMobil.
„Climate change is an intrinsic part of the development of the world. Since the world has existed we have had climate changes and we will have climate change as long as the world exists … For me the issue is more about what can we do in order to adapt to climate change and perhaps to try to gain more time … Are we God to say the climate, as it is today, is the one we have to keep? That’s the way it’s going to be? We are not God. What we have to assure is that climate change happens within a timeframe that humankind can adapt to.“
„If too much CO2 emission is accelerating climate change in a manner that will take away the possibility for us to adapt to it then we have a problem, but what I think is wrong to say is that we are going to stop climate change today,“ he says. „It’s not the natural approach. What we have to get to grips with is the speed with which climate change is happening and to have the same speed for us to adapt to it.“
Es wäre kein Kapitalismus, wenn man nicht auch noch mit dem „Weltuntergang“ Geld verdienen könnte.
Darum geht es auch in der SF-Kurzgeschichte „III“ von Brian Aldiss, Ähnlichkeiten mit Nestle sind rein zufällig:,PL,0,0,Brian-W-Aldiss—III-(txt).txt