Mein alter Freund Tom aus Texas schrieb am Morgen der Wahl:
Yes today is the day. Polls here say Obama is ahead in the states the Dems usually win and even in some of the usual Republican States. Not Texas of course, but one could hope. All my
local Republican friends have always said a large turn out or increase in voters is usually a No vote. In this case I think it would be No to more of the same old crap. Of course it could be no to a black man, but most of those are older voters and they always vote in good numbers and the
increases are too great for that to be the case in my political opinion.
Am Abend dann:
10:00 PM – They announced that things have changed. Dogma has had it’s day.
Great news and now I can go to bed, for I have work to do tomorrow…no matter who is President. Thank, God, that Americans have moved from the darkness into the light. This is a great blow to extremism. Osama ain’t going to be happy about Obama.