Happy today in Texas

weiter mit Tom:

„Up this AM listening to the pundits. I know the problems are huge. The
financial problem is just starting for the US… Maybe Europe too. All of
this war is „off the books.“ While sitting on the finance committee of the
Denton County Transit Authority I have seen what this spending has done
to… Texas’s ability to build roads for example. Texas sent over 880
million dollars of highway building funds back to Washington in 2007 alone,
to fund Iraq and Bush’s tax cuts. That’s just Texas and just the
transportation funds bucket of money. Just think of all the other buckets of
money, education, health, etc. Multiply that by 50 states. It is mind
boggling. Well, each journey begins with one step. Yesterday, hopefully we
took that first step.
Quote anything I say that you think worthy, my friend.
Happy today in Texas.“

Ein Gedanke zu „Happy today in Texas“

  1. Hello Tom, thanks for your detail information. Most of us in Germany are aware that all the money spent in the Iraq war could help to solve a lot of problems. It is interesting to get some imagination about reality looking close to the people.

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